This summer has been an interesting one for many reasons, the least being the strange weather pattern.
We've experienced torrential rains in amounts that have caused localized flooding, made hay almost impossible to harvest, wreaked havoc with parasites, and shortened the time available to do spring and summer farm maintenance chores. So for all intents and purposes, it feels as if summer lasted 6 weeks and now winter is already upon us.
The trees have lost most of their leaves already and peak foliage season was two weeks ago, when usually we'd expect now to be peak.
Our successful lamb crop has now made it to 16 weeks old and its time for lambs to relocate to their new flocks, but people seem to be holding back a bit on purchasing livestock they will need to overwinter. And not just my flock, but it seems fellow shepherds' are experiencing the same lull in sheep sales.
So, this all serves to drive home the point that you can think you are as self - reliant as the next homesteader, but in reality we are all reliant on God, who makes the sun to shine and the rain to fall, the grass to grow and all things to flourish or fail. Something that those who till the soil and raise animals have known for millenia!
For info on purchasing purebred, registered Finnsheep in October 2013, email: or call: 631.252.5745
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