This section is a work in progress - I intend to list a few more things daily until they are all up.
Sold in skeins of 100 yards, this yarn would qualify as sport weight for those who knit.
Rose Tweed Finnsheep Yarn from our Flock
2 oz. Skein - $18.00
Blue Tweed Finnsheep Yarn - 2 oz. 18.00
This yarn is two ply and would be considered sport weight by knitters.
Samples available on request.
This is the Shaker Rug we make with the Bird's Feet Pattern.
This rug can be made to order in any color combo using your yarns or ours.
Currently none in stock.
Same rug as above in different color combo.
Dimensions : 2 feet wide by 3 feet long.
Ask about our other weaving and hand spinning services.
Approximately 2 ft x 3 ft
Excellent as lap robes, beside rugs, car seat covers, dog beds, etc.
We accept PayPal.
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