Thursday, September 18, 2014

Flock News

So, summer is coming to an abrupt end with night time temps hovering around 40 and the air brisk, clean and invigorating.
We've done a lot of soul searching and thinking about our flock in these last months and have taken away many shepherding lessons. Some of these are difficult.
Our conclusion has been to cull the flock severely with the intent to keep only 12 of the absolute best animals we have. All others will be sold to fiber homes, pet homes or at auction.
From this perspective we will begin to rebuild our flock.
As winter begins to settle in we will decide if we will breed any ewes this year or wait until next year, giving us all a much needed breather. Being tied down at lambing time can be problematic and a year off simply to enjoy springtime might prove advantageous.
We will be creating a website over the next few months and also updating our ewe and ram pages here to reflect our choice of bloodlines and breeding pairs.