This afternoon, the temp rose to about 35, with sunshine and in places it felt warmer. By 4 p.m. most of the snow is gone and we're back to green grass again but the ground is muddy. 
I decided to let everyone get some fresh air and Amelia opted to be cautious, first sticking her head out to take it all in.
Slowly she called the lambs to join her and they haltingly left the safety of their shelter to be by her side.
All in all ,they had about 20 minutes outside to absorb the sunshine and feel the cold breezes, take in the new sights, sounds and smells, and then return to the comfort of the well bedded shelter.
Despite the lamby jammy on the one little ram lamb, they are all well, vibrant and doing what 48 hour old lambs do. So far, so good.
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