Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Over due lamb pics

Head,socks, tail pattern with panda eyes.

Caden and her lambs - 3 ram lambs

Amelia making sure its safe to take the new lambs outside.

Yes, sheep can count, and Amelia is, just to make sure they are all there.
The weather is rain once again. Windy too.
Ho Hum.

I am waiting for the flood gates of lambing, and its like sitting on a boiling pot. It never seems to get to the boiling point. All these ewes are holding onto lambs.

Bridgette looks like she could be the next to go. She could have quadruplets in there, its hard to tell with a full fleece.
I have only shorn one ewe so far as the weather keeps bouncing from warm to cold.

Ebony had twin head,socks,tail black lambs and did very well for a first timer. She has a ram and a ewe. Amelia has two rams and a ewe and Caden, three rams. 8 lambs so far, 6 rams 2 ewes. 3 white, 5 black hst.

Interesting so far. I have two greys,  a brown, and three more blacks along with the rest of the white ewes to lamb and I'm curious to see if I'll have spotted lambs this year. That pattern is always fun since it can manifest in so many different ways.

Sorry for the lack of pics, but the lambs simply will not co operate. I'll keep at it though, until I get something presentable.


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