Monday, April 14, 2014

Amelia - Haircut

 Yesterday was gorgeous, up in the 60's.

Everyone enjoyed the sunshine, but were hot with the fleeces on.

I finally couldn't stand watching Amelia anymore and used the hand blades to shear her. She was much more comfortable afterwards.

Lana wanted to be shorn too, but daylight was fading and I only got a small portion done around her neck. I'll try to finish her today.

Problem is...tomorrow night will be rainy and down in the 20's. Not a good temp for sheep with no wool. That is why I used the hand blades vs. the electric shears which would have cut closer and faster.
Amelia will still have enough wool and lanolin to help protect her against wet and cold. And of course they have the little run in shed which is deeply bedded for them to burrow down in.

I expect Amelia to have her lambs on Friday. After removing her fleece, I thought I'd have a better chance at predicting how many lambs, and I always waffle, but I still think triplets.
Could just be twins though. Either way I'll be happy.

More than how many, I'm looking to see if they are colored or white. While I hope for spots, I'm betting on white. Again, we'll see.

With a hefty appetite, and a friend for company, Amelia is doing well, feeling more comfortable and just soaking up the milder weather.

What to do with her fleece??  Oh the possibilities and its the first one of 2014, too!

I hope the weather forecast is wrong about those 20 degree nighttime temps. I really want to shear these sheeple soon.


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