Sunday, April 27, 2014

Triplets for Caden!!!!

You may know that a painful shoulder injury has left me sidelined these last few weeks, which is why the regular communications have ceased.

Between the pain, fine tuning the medication, and being unable to use my right arm at all, there hasn't been much for me to do but sleep, take meds, sleep and see the Dr.

These last few days have seen improvement in pain and some return of the use of my arm/hand and I've been slowly returning to the world of the living.

With an eye on the ewes for any signs of impending labor, I moved Caden into her new digs, and reoriented Amelia and her lambs to another shelter. Yesterdays' observations of Caden told me to expect lambs, but by nightfall other than some early signs, there was nothing to indicate imminent birth. I suspected she would lamb overnight. Experience has taught me this is more like early morning hours.

I also moved one of the first timers - Elvyra- another of Amelias' daughters, into a jug of her own out of the windy rain, but didn't see sure signs of lambing. This move was more of a case of "better safe than sorry" though I'm sure she will lamb over the next few days.

With dawn's early light, I saw Caden with a white lamb, and donned the clothes/boots/jacket/gloves to go see.

What a girl! I love this ewe!
Three brand new, good sized lambs, more or less dry, on their feet and seemed to be familiar with the location of the teats alluding to having already had that live giving first swig of moms' milk.

One white ewe, one black ewe with panda eyes, and one black ram with panda eyes. So beautiful, all three. Looks like the white ewe was the last because she still seemed to be drying from the birth. All alert, looking fine.

Caden herself seemed to be showing them to me, so proud. A usually stand-offish ewe, she gave kisses and wanted rubs and scratches which she readily got for a job well done.

My brown ram Andy, is now a proven breeder. I'm so pleased with him, Caden and their offspring.

I'm so glad it was only three. Last year she had five. Three is good. :-)

Elvyra is still holding quietly.

The day is rainy, gloomy and raw, my shoulder aches, but Thank You Lord for this abundance of fine,healthy new life.

Pics later!



  1. Congrats...hope..your..shoulder...heals..soon..:-))

  2. Thank You, it is improving daily which is a relief in many ways. How are you ?
