Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Alpaca Blanket in Progress

We are on the downhill slide to year's end and it doesn't seem possible!

What an incredible year in so many ways!

We started the 2013 year with only 10 of the umpteen sheep we cared for, having boarded the ewe flock out with a fellow shepherd in exchange for some of the ewe lambs.

Leaving us with only 10 Finn ram lambs, we had no idea at the time of this decision what events would unfold to make that the best decision ever.

For the most part, it was an intuitive nagging at me that urged me to seek an arrangement for the overwintering of the flock last year. While I thought the possibility of a nasty winter was the motivation for the decision, in reality and quite unexpectedly DH sustained an injury at work that made it difficult to care for the few animals remaining here over the winter. Who knew? But what a God send to not have to worry about the girls.

The little ram lambs did fabulously and provided a much needed distraction from all things droll.

Spring saw the ewes reinstalled on their home pastures and awaiting June lambs, and by the first of July the flock had expanded from a mere 21 to 61. Gotta love those Finns and their multiple births!

Lambing went well, with girls holding off while I made a quick trip overnight, and all in all it was a good lambing season.

This past two weeks has been tough as I've re-evaluated the numbers and made decisions about letting certain animals go, but I am feeling optimistic and at peace with those decisions having learned a great deal about life this week especially.

Breeding will commence in earnest Thanksgiving Day which is close at hand as I write.

The looms have been busy and I have fallen into a creative modality in weaving saddle blankets for the time being.


Finished wool saddle blanket.


  1. Your Alpaca blanket is so beautiful! I wish I was a weaver as I have so much handspun Alpaca from Hubbert Farms where I work with our sheep and the Alpacas. I tend to spin much more than I knit :-)

    1. Thank You - coming from you, that is quite a compliment!

      I am finding the saddle blankets an excellent venue for me. So far, the customers are providing the yarns and leaving the design up to me. This works well since the blanket takes shape as I weave, with the design elements presenting themselves along the way.
      You might consider sending some of your hand spun to be woven!
