Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

Cold and wet here today. Filled all my water receptacles last night so I wouldn't need the hose until the sun can warm it up later in the day.

The critters all seem to be content for the moment.

In an effort to consolidate groups and minimize space requirements I introduced the remaining ram lambs to the two remaining teen aged rams. This went very smoothly and everyone seems quite happy with the arrangement, so I am happy.

Reintroducing adult rams is NOT one of the necessary actions I enjoy, but I do it because I enjoy it far better than watching them back waaaayyyyyyy up and hit each other full force with an unforgettable crack as they connect. I cannot stand to watch it and even less to hear it, so when the time comes to introduce them again, we squeeze them into a tight, tight space for 24 hours or so, from which they emerge a bit more civil towards each other.

Except for the one time this summer when I had a band of rams roaming about free grazing the property. I took a risk and introduced two other rams to them and there was very little interest or posturing to my relief. Absolutely no head butting at all.
But this is breeding time and the boys know it so they are more inclined to show their dominance than they were in mid summer heat with nothing much going on.
For the time being, I'll have two ram groups.

I'm pleased to say that Dallas seems to have taken a liking to little Asa, though Cwen is still out on the subject, but that is okay.
Asa admires Dallas too but seems to be figuring out logistics.  I'm rooting for the little guy but Dallas is going to have to help him I think. Time will tell.

Yesterday was spent procuring materials to fortify the shelters. In a previous post I discussed hoop houses and completely forgot to mention we also use chain link dog kennels as kind of free - standing stalls.
These are enclosed with tarps to make them wind, snow and more or less water, proof. With a nice deep pile of straw frequently added to, everybody seems cozy enough for the winter, even though we don't use a conventional barn.

On another note, we still have some fine breeding stock available for sale.

Two teen aged rams - white - 18 months old

5 ram lambs - all colored - 5 months old

8 ewe lambs - 6 white, two colored - 5 months old.

They will be available until November 10, 2013.

After that we will begin taking deposits on 2014 lambs.


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