Sunday, April 6, 2014

7 Days and Counting - Naming Lambs

Amelia with four lambs.

Early on we decided to go with the alphabetical order of naming the lambs, a different letter for each year. This year the letter is "G".

What this does is allow us to quickly recall what year a lamb was born in, according to the letter. "G" means its 2014, and our seventh year of lambing.

Now I excel at a great many things, but naming more than three lambs, is not one of them. I run out of ideas, so this task falls to hubby who is very good at it. He will research the internet and coming up with several options, presents them to me for a vote. I can yea or nay the name, and usually know right away if it is a fit for the lamb in question. Once in awhile I'll have to think on it a bit, then decide.

Hoping to get an early jump on it this year, I've considered some "G" names and typically have come up with my three - George, Giselle and Gaspar. Then of course the popular Gretchen, Gretel, Georgia, Gabby, Gwendolyn, Garth, Gary, Geoffrey. Well, looks like a good start anyway. By the end of lambing season we'll be long out of these names since I think we'll have about 40 or more lambs when its all said and done.

We do also tag the lambs with a number, but calling a cute little lamb # 181 just isnt' the same at all. And they ooze personality which fairly demands identifying them with a moniker that captures that personality. Being a small hobby farm, we can be as hokey as we like and at times I carry it to the max. Naming is one of those times :-).

At any rate, I need three "G" names by next week. Don't know if they will be girl or boy names yet, but I should have at least six - three of each just to be sure. Interestingly, I just noticed that without hesitation I said, " I'll need three "...hmmmmm......intuition?  Could be. Guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out how good I am at predicting how many lambs a ewe will have. I think this year will be triplets for Amelia. Care to bet?


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