Sunday, April 13, 2014

Amelia - Holding

Amelia is enjoying the milder temperatures, her new space and the company of her companion, Lana.

She gets rations twice a day of whole corn/ soy meal / minerals and some choice second cut hay to provide the nutrients both she and the lambs need.

Plenty of water and fresh air are also available and she rests or moves about as she feels inclined.

She is in good health and fine spirits, with a hefty appetite.

Positioned in a small area behind the house it is ideal for me to keep a regular watch for any signs of deviation from the regular behavior. As I go about the chores of housekeeping, weaving, and fiber business, I can look up and quickly get a visual on her. This all but ensures I will know when she is in labor and be present as the lambs are born.

Unless she decides to have them in the middle of the night. Not to jinx myself, but she has had all of her lambs so far, during the daytime, and so hopefully this will be no different.

Can't wait, can't wait!!!   Its like Christmas, birthday, Valentines Day and Anniversary all rolled into one.  Woo Hoo......hope the weather holds :-).



  1. I cant wait either to see your lambs arrive! It is a good feeling to have lambing done. We ended up with 32! Best of luck to you and alllllll your new babes! Kathy

  2. 32 is appreciable. Colors? Did all go well or was this a lambing season for gaining experience? :-) I hope mine will be easy on the shepherd.
